hello, i currently have this formula below but i want to add a few conditions to the formula if possible.
current formula:


intended use:


if column A or B contains the number "07" in first two digits of zip code and has less than 18 in column C then add 25 to total of the above formula
if column A contains "ewr" and the number "07" in column B then add 50 to the total of the above formula
if column B contains "ewr" and the number "07" in column A then add 50 to the total of the above formula
if column A or B contains the number "104" in first three digits of zip code and has less than 20 in column C then add 33 to total of the above formula
if column A or B contains the number "103" in first three digits of zip code and has less than 20 in column C then add 33 to total of the above formula but if less than 15 in column C add 45
if column A or B contains the number "113" in first three digits of zip code and has less than 10 in column C then add 40 to total of the above formula

i am not even sure how to begin on this one, any help would be great

thank you