I'm looking for a way to screen the text in particular cell and then replace the certain text that is in that cell.
A2 on sheet 1 is populated manually. This cell could contain abc 1234 or set 4567.
In sheet 2 A2 should look at sheet 1 A2, determine if it contains abc or set.
If it has abc, replace that with xxx (which would then be xxx 1234 in sheet 2 A2)
If it has set, replace that with nnn (which would then be nnn 4567 in sheet 2 A2)

I tried using an "or" with a replace(search) but it didn't like it. Which actaully tells me I probably did it wrong.
I have started with this..=REPLACE('sheet1'!Q2,SEARCH("abc",'sheet1'!Q2),6,"xxx")
