Hello All,
I've attached my Sample Code.
I need a function that's going to search my Column E, based on the Min and Max numbers entered by the user.
If the value in Column E falls between the range, I want the function to return TRUE. (=IF (E:E >= Min AND E:E <= Max, 1, 0)) 
If the value is True, I want it to look at Column A of that row, and determine if that column displays a DATE or a TIME.
- If the value displays a TIME, return Column A, C, and E of that Row and the Row before it (the DATE row or Row - 1)
- If the value displays a DATE, return Column A, C, and E of that Row and the Row after it (the TIME row or Row + 1)
I'm trying to use the INDEX and MATCH functions to accomplish this:
Thanks for reading, and for your help if possible.