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Match index from multiple spreadsheets-Return sum of values

  1. #1
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    Match index from multiple spreadsheets-Return sum of values

    I have a 'Master' spreadsheet with a specific reference (Master!H12) and want to return a value from different a specific column in multiple spreadsheets (i.e 'F10'B:B,'M40'!B:B), and calculating to sum where the specific reference is duplicated.

    So far I've got the following formula but it calculates only a single instance from a single spreadsheet.


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Re: Match index from multiple spreadsheets-Return sum of values

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  3. #3
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    Re: Match index from multiple spreadsheets-Return sum of values

    I though I had this cracked, with significant help of course.

    The formula works great for numeric values only but does not pick up text variables.
    I need the formula to also pick up text variables ie "Omit", "Excl", "Incl", "Nil" as the result

    So that if a cell has "Omit" in instead of a numerical value that will be shown.


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