
I have a Google Form that has created a spreadsheet containing the form's collected data. One column contains individuals' responses to a "check-box" style question. Each cell in this column contains a comma-delimited list of all of the check-boxes that were selected on an individual's form. For instance:

Cell C1: "first option, third option, fourth option, seventh option"
Cell C2: "first option, second option, seventh option"
...and so on.

How do I count the number of times "seventh option" appears in this column of responses? My first thought was to try =COUNTIF(FIND("seventh option",C:C),TRUE) ...but apparently FIND and COUNTIF don't play well together.

(And yes, I'm aware that Google provides exactly this kind of summary for its forms. But I'd like to mine more data, cross-reference different combinations of responses, etc.)

Thank you!