This question is related to another question I asked a couple of days ago (
To recap;
I’ve got a long spreadsheet with many rows (>5000). Each row relates to a time someone has been off work sick. In two columns (D and G) I have “reasons” for sickness and “Days lost” due to sickens respectively.

I have set up a look-up type formal to search for the reasons for sickness (=COUNTIF($D$4:$D$5955,I4), which obviously simply counts the number of times “stress”, for example, appears in my list.

I’ve now got a formula that counts the number of days lost per condition (i.e. it finds all the “stress” and finds the number next to it, and add that up). =SUMIF(D$4:D$65536,"Stress",G$4:G$65536)

What I’m wanting to do now (if possible) is group conditions together and get excel to count number of days instances and days lost the group. For example stress would be grouped with depression and anxiety as “Emotional Health”. I don’t know if this is the why to go but I’ve created another worksheet. On that sheet, column A rows 2-12 contain all the conditions I want to fall into the Emtional_Health group. The group was named by highlighting A2-12 and naming it in the Name Box.

Am I on the right lines? Where do I go from here?