Let me preface: I don't know if I am doing this the best way this just seemed to make the most sense with my limited excel knowledge.

I have a table setup and it will basically be used for recording milestone dates. As business progresses dates will be typed in the corresponding a milestone column. This will run left to right always. When a date is typed I want name in column A to format a certain color. I think the issues I have are with the ranges in my formulas. I am using =NOT(ISBLANK($G$2:$G$23)) as my formula applied to the A-column or some similar variation of that. I need this to apply to the format as new rows are added to this table as well.

Here is my spreadsheet. https://mega.co.nz/#!rU1EVR4a!AV9Kn1...yOAPgy6ihtsx-A

