
I am trying to pick-up a time series that goes across the sheet (horizontal range), when a condition is triggered. In the example formula, that is when I228=1. When the condition is triggered, which could happen anywhere across the sheet and which could happen at a different position to the series commencing at $I$214, I want $B2*$C2 to be multiplied by the number in the time series. The problem is that when I copy across, at the first point at which the condition is met and the number $B2*$C2 would otherwise be returned, instead a Name Error occurs.

The time series increments in columns of +1, where the first number of the series which is to be multiplied by $B2*$C2 is in fact $I$214.

Cell I2=IF(I228=1,$B2*$C2*OFFSET($I$214,col()+1,0),0)

Can anyone help?
