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Looking for more efficient method of dividing actual spends

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    Looking for more efficient method of dividing actual spends

    Hi, I'm attaching a generic sheet with a sample of what I'm trying to do. I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to Excel.


    In the "Jan" workbook, I'll be adding invoices with actual expenditures. The company I work for has four companies. We split the expenses between the companies and depending on the type expenditure (i.e., advertising, supplies, etc.), the percentages vary.

    In the "CodingRates" workbook, I have the different types of spend and each column represents a company and what percentage of the expense they are paying for.

    In the Jan workbook (in columns J, K, L, and M) I would like the Actual to be multiplied by the percentage in the CodingRates workbook. So for row 2, the spend was Advertising and Company 1 would pay for 65%, Company 2 would pay for 10% and Company 3 would pay for 25%.

    I tried using an IF statement to grab the correct percentage based on Coding, but it is not a very efficient method since I have to manually update the formula for every cell.

    =IF(I2="Advertising", [@Actual]*'CodingRates'!B2, (if(I2="Supplies", [@Actual]*'CodingRates'!B3, (if(I2="Subscription", [@Actual]*'CodingRates'!B4, 0)))))

    The problem is if I have to include more Coding types, then I have to keep adjusting these formulas manually. I also can't cut and paste the formula since the cells from the CodingRates sheet are static and never change. I'm sure there has to be a much easier method than this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by anemptyroad; 04-19-2013 at 12:43 PM. Reason: solved

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