Hey all,

Hoping to get some direction which will be most appreciated.

Working on an interactive sheet to calculate what options of batteries would be required to suit application (Amps output for either 24V or 48V). Options for these battery sizes would vary from 2V to 12V, and based on total AMPS previously calculated in the sheet, would like to highlight best option (closest Amps, not price) based on this information. eg. 24V system would need 12 of 2V batteries, 48V system would require 24 of 2V batteries (Amps remain the same).

Would sort all batteries by individual specifications (with single unit pricing) and want to somehow output details with BRAND, TYPE, TOTAL VOLTS, UNITS REQ and TOTAL PRICE for units req.

Volt	Amps	Brand	Type		Price
2	100	xxx	aaa		$83.00
4	180	yyy	bbb		$112.00