I am trying to create a few formulas to count the number of cells whose values fall into a specified range. For example, I have ~1000 rows of cells containing ages ranging from 1 to 85, and I want to automatically count the number of cells that fall between 19-29, 30-39 and so on and so forth. The ages are in column 10 of Table 1 in my spreadsheet. The formula that I came up with is =SUM((Table1[[#All],[Column10]]>=19)+(Table1[[#All],[Column10]]<=29), but this has not been working. For calculating the number of cells whose values are less than 18 I use the formula =COUNTIF(Table1[[#All],[Column10]], "<18"), which works perfectly, but I do not know how to apply that to a range of numbers...
I KNOW there is a way to do this, but I can't come up with it.
Thank you to anyone that can provide some insight!