Hi EveryoneHW 5 -002-R ABUSHAIKHA2.xlsx is the file im working on...

Basically i need help seeing if it's possible to do either a couple of things...

First: i would like to see if its possible to take information i enter/calculate on the 'Loan Analysis sheet' and have it automatically entered it in its corresponding column under the New Customer info table in the 'Customer Info sheet' & also add it to a new row under the FICO PRACTICE CUSTOMERS table but only if its a new customer name.
Second: i would like the 'Loan Analysis sheet' to automatically check to see if the customer name entered in the assumption section has been used and if it has i would like it to fill in the information into its associated results there by saving the customers previous loan checks.

If this is at all possible or if anyone has a better way of doing what i need without ruining the formulas on the 'Loan Analysis sheet" that would be much appreciated!!