*Forum Newbie*


I'm wondering if I could ask for assistance due to my lack of excel knowledge that I have?

Working with Excel 2007, I have what is an asset spreadsheet, which lists all the computers the company, I'm working for just now, has as an Asset register. Each computer listed in the spreadsheet, starts from column A, listing the various details about each pc or laptop through to column AV. I have about 250 entries in total.

I'm trying to tidy up the physical cd's and licence documents that each pc or laptop came with. My idea is to print directly onto an A4 envelope, some of the relevant information pulled from the Asset sheet. The idea is if someone needs a licence key or media for a certain pc or laptop, then they pull out the correct envelope and all info they need is either printed on the front or held physically inside the envelope.

I have made an envelope template, which I have also created in Excel 2007, which can be printed directly onto the A4 envelope. One particular column lists the Asset Number, which is sequential in the asset register. Based on this one specific entry, is it possible to build a formula, which If I type in the asset number for a particular pc or laptop to my Envelope Template, it would then pull specific information from the asset register, populate certain cells in the envelope template and then allow me to print an envelope faster, rather than manually entering all the information my self?

Sorry if this is very basic, but its been years since I did my ECDL

