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Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

  1. #1
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    Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

    Hi to you all. Looking some help with this or a suggestion.
    I have extracted a report into Excel. It shows Customer Code, Customer Name and up to six different discount tables applied to the customer accounts.
    The problem is that there are 6 types of discount table with a total of 23 discount tables available AND any account can have more than one type of discount table applied e.g. in my attached spreadsheet account 000009 Eric has 4 discont table applied but 111 & 126 are both "Coal Deferred Discount Tables".

    What I am trying to get is a table that lists Cust Code, Cust Name, then under each of the 6 discount TYPE headings the relevant table or tables set against each customer.

    I used an IF / OR statement to identify a breakdown of the discount tables against the account but got stumped on the next bit hence the call for help. Maybe fresh eyes will see things clearer.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

    Please provide of few examples of what you want it to look like. I assume you want the section with '?'s in it to be filled out, but with what? Text of codes? Summation of the percentages? If the latter, then I would strongly recommed separating the percentages from the text in cells I2:AE2. Put each in a separate cell, then use HLOOKUP, or SUMIFS, or ...
    If I helped with your issue, I'd appreciate a rep bump (hit the '*' icon to the bottom left of this post).

  3. #3
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    Re: Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

    Hi Pauley - thanks for reading the thread.
    Yes where the "?" are I am looking to have the relevant discount table code(s) displayed. So for account 000009 Eric I would see cell AF4 show 450, AG4 show 0, AH4 show 300, AI4 show 0, AJ4 show 111,126, AK4 show 0.

    The bit that is tripping me is as per cell AJ4 where I have a customer who has more than one discount table (111 & 126) but both these fall under the same discount type of COAL DEFERRED DISCOUNT.

  4. #4
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    Re: Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

    Yes, Excel is not really designed to display more than one piece of data in a cell. I can't think of a clean way of combining the text - I could not determine a way to get CONCATENATE to work with arrays. Others may provide a more elegant solution, but I'm afraid, for me, it is down to just a brute force equation. Put this an AJ3 and then pull down.
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    Adjust for your other columns.

  5. #5
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    Re: Customer Discount Table - IF /OR ...help!

    Thank you for your time and help Pauley. I will give it a shot. I owe you a beer!

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