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need help in fine-tuning a formula that removes blank cells in a column range

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    need help in fine-tuning a formula that removes blank cells in a column range


    I need help in fine tuning a formula that removes blank cells from a column range.

    Problem is that the formula I found somehow tends to output the result 3 times irrespective of the value's actual presence in the range and sorts in the sequence of the value's first appearance in the range.

    Alternately, if someone has a better formula would appreciate if it can be shared.

    Following limitations may please be considered:
    1. No VBA/ Macros please since they are volatile and tend to disable undo option.
    2. No array formulas please (those committed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER), since my current solution already uses array formula and that has considerably slowed down calculations. My actual worksheet has about 100,000 cells with the array formula updated on a real time basis.
    3. The blank cells will actually not be blank but will be containing a formula and the cells are blank since the result of their calculation is blank.

    Sample file attached.


    Have uploaded another file called sample file_new.
    It ALMOST contains the solution I need. Only problem is that each value is now appearing uniquely. Any suggestions to make the values appear sequentially in the order they appear and multiple times?


    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by naira; 05-06-2013 at 04:28 AM.

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