Hi everyone,

I just joined the forums and it's my first time posting here. I found this forum with a great help in solving my problems with excel. I might as well ask for help.

Here's my situation. In column D8-D12, I have the years of service of my employees (the base values of D8-D12 are 8,6,12,40,25). My base date is the current date which is in A3.

What I want to do is base on the current date (In A3, I format it "yyyy" so that it would only show the year),
I want to increment the values D8-D12 by 1 when the year increases (ex. 2013 then next year 2014 and so on..) basing on A3.

Another is in column F8-F12 is the amount they will receive for the years of their service. I would like the column of F8-F12 to add 50 if the values of D8-D12 reach the multiples of 10.

I hope I had provided my problem clearly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.