Hi all,
I want to do a consolidation between to Excel Sheet having information coming from 2 different place.
My goal is based on a value from the sheet named AvayaSiebel to perform a vlookup from the sheet named TestimanagedDevice and based on the result, write in the result cell Blank if row exist but without value in the cell, not found if row doesn't exist and value in case where the row exist and there is a value in the concern cell instead of having the #N/A result is cell is blank or row doesn't exist
If I use simple (VLOOKUP(A2;testimanagedDevices!$C$2:$H$91;2;FALSE))
I'm trying to apply the following formula: =IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP(C2;testimanagedDevices!$B$2:$C$91;2;FALSE))="-";"NotFound";(VLOOKUP(C2;testimanagedDevices!$B$2:$C$91;2;FALSE)))
I have try also the following formula:
=IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP(C2;testimanagedDevices!$B$2:$C$9;2;FALSE));"-";IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C2;testimanagedDevices!$B$2:$C$9;2;FALSE));"Not found";VLOOKUP(C2;testimanagedDevices!$B$2:$C$9;2;FALSE)))
But without no luck
I don't know if this kind of test is possible with formula or if a macro is necessary to do this. If macro, it will be nice to help me on the script as I'm a real novice on Excel.
Thanks in advance for your help.