
Bear with me as i try to explain what I would like to do....

I currently have two spreadsheets one being the master document and the second having the data from with to populate the master. I currenty have an index match formula that matches data from 2 columns from the master to 2 columns of the second spreadsheet and when a positive matches on the 2 criteria are made, the formula returns the data from column 10 from second spreadsheet to the master. works perfectly.

Now for what i would like to do... As it is, the second spreadsheet is a compulation of 6 different sheets. In order for the formula to work, I have to combine all data first into one tab or sheet. I would love to leave the workbook in the state i get it which has six tabs or sheets. How do I index and match from 6 different tabs or sheets in the same workbook and return that data to the master sheet? Below is my current formula.

=INDEX('C:\EP\[ALL ROUTES COMBINED Q1 2013.xlsx]Route A'!$C$13:$O$462,MATCH(A17&C17,'C:\EP\[ALL ROUTES COMBINED Q1 2013.xlsx]Route A'!$C$13:$C$462&'C:\EP\[ALL ROUTES COMBINED Q1 2013.xlsx]Route A'!$E$13:$E$462,0),10)