I have hundreds of spreadsheets that have output data from climate computer modeling. The output data is sub-daily, where one day may have >20 output rows, but some days have only 1 row.
For example, my models start on 1/1/1892. The first day of output data (day 0-1) is 48 rows. The 5th day of output data (day 4-5) is 8 rows.
The models compute 30 years of input data (1/1/1982 - 12/31/2011), producing spreadsheets that are very large, some over 4 million rows.
My goal is to determine the median value of the data on a seasonal basis, so for December/January/February, March/Apr/May, Jun/Jul/Aug, and Sept/Oct/Nov for each year. Therefore getting 30 median values for each season, one for each year.
A few months ago I posted a similar question about the non-ordered time series, asking for a formula to determine yearly averages. I received great help with the following formula:
=IF(DATEVALUE("1/1/"&YEAR($A2+D$1))=($A2+$D$1),AVERAGE(INDEX($B$1:$B1,MATCH(9E+307,D$1:D1 )+1):$B2),"")
Where, the formula was entered in Cell D2, Column A is the day (e.g. 4.0321 days), Column B is the variable I needed averaged (e.g. 7.49E-05), and Cell D1 is the start date, 1/1/1982.
I attached a sample spreadsheet of the data with the above formula entered in Cell D2.
I'm wondering if there is another formula I could put into the spreadsheets to quickly get the median values of the data for each season.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank You,