
I have a vlookup/index/sumproduct related question. I feel like I should be able to solve this, but maybe I've just stared at it so long it's all become meaningless. In the attached scrubbed mini workbook, there are three sheets

1. Data Inputs - Users will submit the first four columns on a weekly basis. The goal is to have the last column calculate
2. Project Billing Information - This is the static info. Note that, for each Project Name/Project Part, there are multiple Engagement Numbers.
3. Revenue Information - Shows the revenue for each Engagement Number

I need the Revenue cell in Data Inputs to do the following:
1. Take the combo of "Client Project Name Project Part" from Data Inputs
2. Pull the Engagemetn Numbers for any of the lines in Project Billing Information that match the above combo.
3. Sum the Revenue Information for the Engagement Numbers from number 2.

I've really hit a brick wall here - I thought that this might potentially be solved with a Sumproduct, but I think maybe I'm taking into account too many variables?

Any assistance would be appreciated!Small Dashboard Table 6.24.xlsx