Hi everyone,

I'm not very savvy with excel, so I think this should be an easy fix for one of you experts.

I have a database full of peoples' personal interests (i.e. Agriculture, Finance, Technology, etc.) and they are allowed to select as many interests as they want.

When importing this data, their interests show up in one cell, separated by commas. So if Person A chose that they were interested in Agriculture and Technology, it would show up in the cell as "Agriculture, Technology".

I have column headings for each of the particular fields and want to create a dynamic COUNTIF function that will search for how many times each interest shows up in a range of date. I'd like to be able to drag this function across my spreadsheet so it searches the entire range based on my different column headings.

I'm searching the G column in another sheet for "Agriculture" (which is in B32), but it's only returning the number of cells that equal EXACTLY "Agriculture". I want the search to count if the cell contains "Agriculture" anywhere within the comma-separated cell.

=COUNTIF('OAP talent pool'!G4:G2537,"=" & B32)
