Hello all,
I am counting the number of employees per time period in a schedule that has morning shifts, mid shifts and overnight shifts. The formula works until after the 11:30pm-12:00am shift. From 12am-12:30am, 12:30am-1am and so on, it shows 0's.
The formula is "=SUMPRODUCT(($B$2:$B$27<=V42)*(MOD($C$2:$C$27-$B$2:$B$27,1)>MOD(($C$2:$C$27-TIME(,,1))-V42,1)))"
where B2:B27 is the start time, C2:C27 is the end time and V42 is the beginning of the time period(12am,12:30am,1am,etc...) that I would like to know the number of employees.
Thank you all for your help!