Good day excellent excellians!

I am having an issue in the workbook I have attached Averages Issues Example.xlsx. I have stripped away all irrelevant data, and the formula in question is apparent in sheet entitled 'Table'.

Basically, I am creating a table displaying various stats, including averages for fundraisers fundraising figures, based on using multiple criteria of: by name, and for days 'Friday' and 'Saturday' only, but am getting a #DIV/0! error.

I have tried to include criteria for ignoring 0's: '<0', which works fine when the criteria is only based on one day, but when I try to include two days I get an error.

I am trying to find the average based on only Friday+Saturday, for 'Team Revenue', and 'Sub-Total', as well as for individual names.

-the zeros cascading down the columns after the data in 'Accounts (List)' is a by product of the data being read from continuous new entries from another sheet (which is not included). I have included the example formulas used to read said data in row 18 (which can be seen by the REF! error for this instance).
-Team revenue is the sum of 2 individual fundraisers 'Sub-Total' (as they work in teams of 2). Which is why there is an empt cell in every other row, and the need to ignore blank cells and zeros.

I have struggled with this for a while now and my research to find a solution has frazzled me. I am not the best on excel and working out criteria, ranges and similar formulas has been a challenge in itself (although rewarding). I hope I have explained this clearly enough and if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated! I hope to learn from the solution.
