I have two tabs in my file: (1) a summary tab by month and (2) the data I wish to summarize.

On my data sheet (EMT Data), I have the following:
  • Dates by week going across the top of the spreadsheet (each monday of the year)
  • Job names going down the side of the spreadsheet
  • Hours by job/date

On my summary tab, I have the first day of the month going down the side. For each month, I am trying to summarize the remaining hours in the month (including the current week). I have successfully used the formula below to do so. Basically the formula searches for the start/end dates sums everything in between.
OFFSET('EMT Data'!$A:$A,'EMT Data'!$A:$A,MATCH(TEXT((MAX(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(),2)+1,$B1-WEEKDAY($B1,2)+8)),"m/d/yyyy"),'EMT Data'!$1:$1,0)-1,1,1):
OFFSET('EMT Data'!$A:$A,1,MATCH(TEXT((EOMONTH($B1,0)-(WEEKDAY(EOMONTH($B1,0),2)-1)),"m/d/yyyy"),'EMT Data'!$1:$1,0)-1,1,1)
However, I now wish to turn my SUM() formula into a SUMIF(), thereby allowing me to apply a criteria to filter out certain jobs. Whenever I turn my formula into a SUMIF, I am coming up with some very unusual results. Can anyone help? Thank you!