This is probably an easy one, but I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Plus this would probably help others in the future as well. I basically need to take any amount of characters and truncate it to 150, BUT if it does not have a period on the end then it needs to be truncated to the closest period.


I saw a man climbing down a water pipe. He had a knife in his hand. I hit his hand with a brick. He fell down on the ground and I jumped upon him. Soon others reached there and we handed him over to the police.

Needed Solution:

I saw a man climbing down a water pipe. He had a knife in his hand. I hit his hand with a brick. He fell down on the ground and I jumped upon him.

Current Solution that needs fixing:

Formula: =LEFT(C2,150)

I saw a man climbing down a water pipe. He had a knife in his hand. I hit his hand with a brick. He fell down on the ground and I jumped upon him. Soo

-------All help greatly appreciated.