Hello all,

I would like to use a SUMIF with 3 criteria, ie sum rows where a column is one of three variables (so it is OR, rather than AND).

The original formula was:

=(SUMIF('Own Staff'!$K$12:$K$111,"Home",'Own Staff'!$P$12:$P$111))+(SUMIF('Own Staff'!$K$12:$K$111,"Away",'Own Staff'!$P$12:$P$111))+(SUMIF('Own Staff'!$K$12:$K$111,"Co-Located",'Own Staff'!$P$12:$P$111))
I would like to replace it with:

=SUMIF('Own Staff'!$K$12:$K$111,{"Home","Away","Co-Located"},'Own Staff'!$P$12:$P$111)
But it only seems to pick up rows with the first variable, "Home". Does anyone know what I should be doing?

SUMPRODUCT would presumably work, but my bosses are wary of it as a lot of people here do not understand it.
