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Work roster to count number of occassions each person worked pass 6pm for the week

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Work roster to count number of occassions each person worked pass 6pm for the week


    I have a weekly work roster and i'm trying to count the number of instances each staff member has worked passed 6pm during the week. I need a function that would count only if the time is greater than 6pm and the criteria for the employee name is met.

    example of where the data is in the cells

    B4 & C4 (merged cells) is employees name (drop down list)
    B5 is start time e.g. 09:30 hours
    C5 is finish time e.g. 18:30 hours
    D5 is Meal break length time e.g. 01:00 hour
    D4 is formula to calculate total hours worked in the shift. (I'm using a SUMIF function elsewhere to sum the total weekly hors for each employee)

    I thought COUNTIFS function with criteria 1 being “>18:00” and criteria 2 being the “employees name” . I can’t get this work though as the employees name is in a cell above and to the left of the cell containing the first criteria. I then thought I could maybe try OFFSET but can’t get this to work.

    My excel skills are very limited so I would really appreciate help on this.

  2. #2
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    Re: Work roster to count number of occassions each person worked pass 6pm for the week

    Attached is a Timetable I set up some years ago and changed the hours to fit your needs.

    Col B is a Drop-down where you select one of some 6 or so choices. If you select "Normal" then the hours will fill automatically. If someone works overtime then the 'Time-Out' must be changed manually - that is if someone works until 7:30 pm then you must enter '19:00' (in that format!!!)



  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Work roster to count number of occassions each person worked pass 6pm for the week

    Sorry just saw that you are using Excel 2003.


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