Hello. I need to count matching cells in another spreadsheet. If the three-digit clinic designators (e.g., "251") match, I want to count the adjacent column ("Employed Now"), which displays "YES"" or "NO". In other words, if the clinic designators next to the doctors' names match, I need to count the number of "YES" answers next to their names. My difficulty is that the matching clinic designators are in Column A and the YES answers are in Column C of the adjoining spreadsheet. I need to lookup matching clinic designators in Column A and then count the number of doctors employed in each clinic as indicated by YES in Column C. I need to return the answers to the original spreadsheet. I need the formula to count the number of doctors employed in each clinic in the rest of the rows in Column A, in other words, to carry the formula down the lookup column.

Suggestions are welcome.

Doug in York PA