In a nut shell what I am trying to do is this.

If cell B5 contains the text On-Going then in cell E5 should contain "N\A" if anything else then cell E5 should contain the following formula

Formula: copy to clipboard

What I have tried to do so far has not worked, formula listed below.

Formula: copy to clipboard
=IF(B5 = "On-Going", "N\A", =IF(D5>=C5,IF(AND(C5>0,D5>0),NETWORKDAYS(C5,D5),""),""))

This produces the standard...."The formula you typed contains an error" message in Excel

I also tried this

Formula: copy to clipboard
=IF(B5 = "On-Going", "N\A", "=IF(D5>=C5,IF(AND(C5>0,D5>0),NETWORKDAYS(C5,D5),""),"")")

which gives me the N\A but only gives the text of the formula, not the actual formula!! (no brainer there, but I had to try it )

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You