
I have this array formula:

=MIN(IF('Review Calendar'!$B$2:$B$9999=Analysis!A31,'Review Calendar'!$D$2:$D$9999,'Review Calendar'!$G$2:$G$9999=TRUE))

which checks the minimum date contained in sheet "Review Calendar", column D, being the Column G set to TRUE for a certain Client (contained in Cell Analysis!A31).

So far so good. But if I try to add another parameter ('Review Calendar'!$H$2:$H$9999=$B$1)

=MIN(IF('Review Calendar'!$B$2:$B$9999=Analysis!A31,'Review Calendar'!$D$2:$D$9999,'Review Calendar'!$G$2:$G$9999=TRUE,'Review Calendar'!$H$2:$H$9999=$B$1))

The array formula errors out with "Too many parameters" error.

I totally do not get what is wrong with this, do you have any idea?
