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Count occurrences of multiple values in one cell (50+ values / all special characters)

  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    Count occurrences of multiple values in one cell (50+ values / all special characters)

    You've probably received an email with a heart, star or arrow in the subject line. For my job, I have a data set of ~6-10k emails per month and I calculate various stats. One stat I use is the number of these characters are in subject lines. To get this, I have been using...

    =LEN(SubjectLineA)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SubjectLineA,"Character1",""))+LEN(SubjectLineA)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SubjectLineA,"Character2",""))+...... (repeated for the 50+ characters)

    Result: SubjectLineA had 4 special characters (of the 50+)

    but I've reached some limit with this approach where Excel (2010 and 2013 w/12GB ram) locks up when I modify the formula or add additional characters. It's not a calculation issue.

    I have been unable to find another way to tackle this. Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Count occurrences of multiple values in one cell (50+ values / all special characters)


    You can perform and sum the searches together. For example, with your list of special characters in D1:D50:


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    Advanced Excel Techniques: http://excelxor.com/

  3. #3
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    Re: Count occurrences of multiple values in one cell (50+ values / all special characters)

    Thanks XOR LX. Very straight forward. I'll find several uses for it. Much appreciated!


  4. #4
    Forum Expert XOR LX's Avatar
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    Re: Count occurrences of multiple values in one cell (50+ values / all special characters)

    You're welcome.

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