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Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

    Hello All

    I am not sure if it is appropriate to ask for helping understand how to use Excel functions.

    I was given this formula to help create a unique list:

    MATCH(ROW(BX1), $J$5:$J$241,0),
    MATCH($K$5, $C$5:$X$5,0)),"")

    It works.... but I dont understand how. I am having trouble with another issue (I have it posted it here on the site that hasnt been solved yet) and I am hoping to leverage this to hopefully resolve my other problem.

    This is what I understand...
    INDEX($C$5:$X$241 is setting the area within the excel document where the forumla is to be applied.
    BX1 is just a way to keep track of the rows.
    0 is saying it needs to be an exact match.
    $J$5:$J$241 contains a running total in my data that is a running total of a unique entry (so if there were 100 data entries, but only 5 were unique, that column would have the numbers 1-5).

    I don't understand...
    MATCH($K$5, $C$5:$X$5
    Why is the first part only referring to one cell?

    In my data that one cell has a lot of duplicates, so I don't understand how it can come up with a uique value.

    How is that getting the correct information? I mean it works... but i am missing the logic.

    thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

    This is a duplicate post - see the Forum Rules about this.


  3. #3
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    Re: Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

    gosh, i thought i had a gltich. and i didnt realize i double posted. give me some time to delete this post. thanks for letting me know!!

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

    You can't delete a thread yourself - you can send a PM to one of the moderators and ask them to do it for you (however, that will reduce post counts - they may just close the thread to prevent anyone else from posting here). You can see a list of moderators currently online on the Home page (they are coloured green).

    Hope this helps.


  5. #5
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Need help understanding "Index" and "Match"

    Thanks Pete, I will close this now, please continue on the other thread
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