Hi guys,

I know this may be a very basic problem for many advanced users of excel but I am just beginning to get into the thick of things for a future job and need help with some basic things.

I tried googling for the past hour and the HELP information within excel did not give me the exact answer I was looking for.

My problem is as follows:

Assuming A1=5, A2=5, A3=5, A4=5

1. I want to use the IF and AND functions together on range of cells with True or False for specific value

I have only been able to get a True value when using the formulas =IF(AND(A1,A2,A3,A4=5),"True","False") or =IF(A1=5,A2=5,A3=5,A4=5),"True,"False")

Is there anyway to condense the formula for a range of cells? I tried =IF(AND(A1:A4=5),"True","False") but instead turned up a #VALUE error.

2. Based on some reference notes I have from a course I will be taking in the future, they listed the formula in a manner such as =IF(AND(A1,A2,A3,A4)=5,"True","False")

Using their formula results in a FALSE no matter what the values of the cells are unless i put the '=5' condition within the parenthesis i.e: (A1,A2,A3,A4=5) and not (A1,A2,A3,A4)=5

Is this an error in the notes or is there something I do not understand?

Thanks in advance for the help!