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IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

  1. #1
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    IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

    Hello All,
    i have the following formula and it wont work when i add the edate function and text function.

    Basically i have a drop down in cell C3 (monthly and daily) and start date in c4 and an end date in C5.
    E3 = the start date using this formula =IF($C$3="daily",C4,TEXT(C4,"mmm-yy"))
    and e4 down should then be the next day or next month depending on C3.
    I've been trying to do this with the formula below but i just cant get it to work. Ideally i'd like it to display nothing when the end date it reached.

    This wont work
    =IF(AND($E3<=$C$5,$E$2="monthly"), TEXT(edate(E3,1), "mmm-yy"), IF(AND($E3<=$C$5,$E$2="daily"),E3+1,""))

    Any help would be great.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru AlKey's Avatar
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    Re: IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

    Your formula seems to be working. However, if your dates were entered as text then there could be a problem.
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  3. #3
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    Re: IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

    AHh okay that might be it the dates come from the E col and ifs based on this formula: =IF($C$3="daily",C4,TEXT(C4,"mmm-yy")) how would i get around this?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru AlKey's Avatar
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    Re: IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

    You need to convert them to real dates. If this is in one cell, you can format cell as date then re-enter your date again.

    If your dates come from E column format E column as date, click on any empty cell and copy it, then paste special, values and select Add. This will convert them to dates.
    Last edited by AlKey; 11-04-2013 at 10:27 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: IF statement not working with text function and edate function.

    Thanks for the update will try and get back to you.

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