Hi All,

I seem to be having some trouble with rounding fractions. I frequently take down measurements from a device and puts them on an excel spreadsheet as text. (thats just the recording stage). I then take those numbers and what I need to do is be able to round these measurements down to the nearest 1/8 inch.
Examples of measurements I receive below

57 19/32 should round down to 57 1/2 inches
69 9/16 should round down to 69 1/4 inch
75 15/16 should round down to 75 7/8 inches
30 25/32 should round down to 30 3/4 inches

I have tried using the cell format function but what happens id when I set to the 1/8th inch numbers like 4/8 come up which should be displayed as 1/2. I am just looking for a quick easy way to convert these measurements.

If someone could help I would be very grateful.