
I have a combination of Sum and Indirect Formula where I want to Reference to another sheet via the sum function and the reference (indirect) function.

My problem is that when I do these calculations exactly the same on the same sheet I can do them without problem. When I split the data up and add the Sheet name in the sum it stops working

 Working:      =SUM(C5:INDIRECT(D15))
Not Working: =SUM('sh2'!C5:INDIRECT(D15))
I need to do it this way because in my project there is the data range on another sheet and the calculations on a seperate sheet. The "Helper column" is there because in my project I search for this specific Adress through index and match function and did not want my sum cell to be filled with too much formula stuff.

If VBA is more efficient for this Task let me know. But it seems so easy though it just wont work

best decar

Indirect + Sum.xlsx