
I'm trying to figure out how to make structured references work in my use case.

I'm liking the default use of structured references in Excel, it seems to help me avoid running into #REF problems. However, I have a formula in an Excel column that to pull data from the row below rather than the current row in a given circumstance (the reason for this is that I've got VERY unstructured data that I'm making structured through all these formulas).

Here's a simplified version of what I was doing:

A | B | C
Content1 | =A2+# | =if(B2>#,A2,A3)
Content2 | =A3+# | =if(B3>#,A3,A4)

Here's a simplified version of using the structured references:

ColA | ColB | ColC
Content1 | =[@ColA]+# | if([@ColB]>#,[@ColA],A3)
Content2 | =[@ColA]+# | if([@ColB]>#,[@ColA],A4)

As you may be able to see, it gets cleaner in that the need for and risk of specific references is mostly ommitted, but I want to carry that through all the way to the final term, which is currently still a specific reference.

I want to say something along the lines of [@ColA]+1 so it will look down one row, but I know that won't work. What will?