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Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

  1. #1
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    Question Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

    Hi Folks,

    I have a large worksheet that has some text and numbers in it. I have a value I am looking for and I need Excel to tell me where this value exists in the worksheet by giving me the absolute coordinates of the cell with the value.

    In the attached example I am looking for the value BREAD, and I want Excel to return it's absolute position F10. I included some blah values to show that the area with the data I am interested in varies in the worksheet day after day. I may use the entire worksheet as input or a large enough portion of the worksheet to ensure the desired word BREAD will be in it.

    I have been researching the web for a few weeks by now, I apparently lack the brain to get it. I tried using array functions but I could understand only the basics of their use. I have no problem finding the data in a vector and whenever I know a particular vector in my spreadsheet is always the same row or column, I can solve my problems fine. But this last piece requires me to compute the location of the first occurrence of BREAD.

    As a bonus I would love to be able to find locations of further occurrences, like I have CHEESE twice. Finding it once will help me find the second CHEESE anyway because I know the second CHEESE goes on the same row 3 columns to the left. But in case this layout changes, I would love to be prepared.

    There is no way for me to re-format the incoming worksheet as it is generated by a machine. I would prefer using formulas and or array formulas rather than scripts or macros because other people will be using my work, so I want to set this once and they won't have to change it after me.

    Pardon my English, I am not a native speaker.

    Hope my question makes sense, and if any of the forum admins can correct the typo in the thread name, I'd appreciate it.
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    Last edited by KYTX; 01-05-2014 at 11:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

    this macro finds all instances of a specified word on the worksheet and returns the cell/s where they were found

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

    Another option with array formula:
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  4. #4
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    Re: Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

    Wonderful guys, thank so much, I really appreciate your help and will give both a try and let you know how it goes this weekend. I am a kind of a man who prefers to know the tool inside out before using it so I will definitely take a look at how macros are written. Isn't it a sort of a script or user procedure? I use to do some coding in BASIC and Pascal back in uni. It might be a time for me to learn macros, never had to use them before that's is also why I thought I'd stick with using functions.

    About functions. I was wondering if I could run something like =MATCH("BREAD",$A$1:$Z$1,0) and make it run, like, through every line from 1 to 50 using an array function to find the column number and then run something like =MATCH("BREAD",$A$1:$A$50,0) and run it from A to Z to find the row number and then use the row and the column number to get the coordinates? Or am I overcomplicating things? Why I am taking A to Z 1 to 50 is to make sure I take a big enough area of the table to catch the location of BREAD.

    About the example of the formula by bebo021999, I am not too sure I get how it works. What does this expression do: $A$1:$I$12="BREAD" ? ANd then you multiply it by column? Like I said I gotta be lacking brain to just get it. Do you mind explaining how it works? I spent so much time on research so I really want to come to an understanding how it works.

    Thanks a lot

  5. #5
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    Re: Find cell locatiopn by cell value in a worksheet or 2D matrix

    Hi folks! I tried the array formula and it worked! I actually had to modify the solution offered by bebo021999 but it is what I was looking for. It is still quite retarded that Excel does not have a built-in feasy feature to search in a matrix but I am able to do it now, thanx! I have not tried the macro yet but I will, it may open new ways of doing what I am doing.

    We can close this thread now, I suppose.

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