Hello again wonderful people... Here goes another road block in my road of formula construction...Please help!!! So here's what I have. I have a column of numbers from my company(lets call col A) that change daily, including row quantity, and I cannot alter their column. I need to have those values copy themselves into a different column, which I can use the simple formula (example) =A1 into my desired cell. But what I need in the column I am creating is for my column (lets call col C) to automatically sum itself in the last cell after the data and show that result. Today there could be 10 rows of values in col A, but tomorrow there could be 100 rows of values, so I need the formula in every cell. Here's an example. Not sure if this is possible

20 20 (=A1)
500 500 (=A2)
22 22 (=A3)
etc. 542***Need cell c4 to automatically show the sum of C1:C3 without copying that sum into C5:C??
I need cell c5:c100 to return as blank cells.

Tomorrow I could have cells c1:c100 to sum up so I need to have the formula in every cell for at
least 100 rows.