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Problem with Nested IF Function?

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    Problem with Nested IF Function?

    Hello All, hope you're well!

    Of I have a formula I need, I'm not sure if it's possible as I can't even get my head round it on paper let alone a spreadsheet.

    Ok, I have 3 Columns...

    D = Is either Blank or Displays a Date

    E = Displays either YES or NO

    F = Displays either YES or NO

    G = Displays YES or NO
    H = Displays YES or NO

    I = Displays YES or NO

    Right, I need a formula that says...

    If Column D is Blank, as well as column E and F display the text "MAKE FIRST CONTACT"

    If Column D has a Value but Column E and F are Blank, display the text "AWAITING RESPONSE"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is NO and Column F is Blank, and Columns G,H and I are Blank, display the text "SEND FOLLOW UP EMAIL"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is YES and Column F is NO, and Columns G,H and I are Blank, display the text "ENCOURAGE REGISTRATION"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is YES and Column F is YES, and Columns G,H and I are Blank, display the text "PLAN ABOUT US"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is YES and Column F is YES AND Column G is YES but Column H and I are NO, display the text "MARKETING EMAIL"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is YES and Column F is YES AND Column G and H are YES but Column I is NO, display the text "PROMO IMAGE"

    If Column D has a Value AND Column E is YES and Column F is YES AND Column G and H are YES and Column I is YES, display the text "SUCCESS!"

    The text will be displayed in column J!

    Many thanks,

    Last edited by anasmiff; 02-12-2014 at 09:14 AM.

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