Hello, I am new here, been lurking and learning a lot. I have been able to figure a lot of things out from previous threads here but am asking for a little help with this please. Maybe there is a much easier way to do this but what I have so far is a sheet that contains a large number of zip codes in column A. I plan to have 6 or 7 zip codes across the top which each correspond to a store location. B2:H2000(ish) contain the number of miles between intersecting zip codes. What I would like to have happen is for the user to enter a zip code on a separate sheet and have the name of the nearest zip code be returned. I hoped I could figure this out on my own. I know this is probably not that difficult, I'm just not really all that bright. I hope this is a clear enough explanation of what i am trying to do here. Thanks in advance for any help.