
There must be an easier way than me going through line by line of 12k lines to determine the most recent date. I really hope someone can help me.

Example of data below.

9699741 28/10/2013
9704789 06/02/2014
9704789 13/02/2014
9704789 20/02/2014
9844987 31/01/2014
9844987 07/02/2014
9844987 14/02/2014
9845011 14/02/2014
9845051 25/10/2013
9845225 19/02/2014
9845411 30/10/2013
9845439 03/02/2014
9845439 17/02/2014
9845442 07/02/2014
9845442 14/02/2014
9845446 07/02/2014
9845451 03/01/2014
9845451 24/01/2014

In the third column I need to determine the most recent date for the value in column A, example 9845451 would return 24/01/2014 as the result.

A million thank you's in advance..