Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could help me resolve this issue. Currently I have about 27 pictures uploaded onto my excel workbook. It is important to note that all of these pictures are sized to a specific width and height to match their actual size. To catch you up to speed on what I'm trying to do, these pictures are tools and I'm trying to insert a picture based off a dropdown selection without effecting the integrity of the picture size. That being said, it has to allow to multiple pictures to be selection in different drop down boxes so that the entire string of pictures align perfectly. So I'm trying to building an entire tool based up the different selection of other tools to ultimately build an entire tool string. I know this probably doesn't make sense but if someone could please comment on this because this is my last resort into resolving this issue. I've never had to post anything on this website because I could normally figure it out using other people's comments on this forum but no thread has matched this desired criteria.

Many thanks.