Yes, I admit it and expose myself to ridicule. I can see that there is an enormous wealth of information in the Object Browser, but after pulling it up I get completely lost.

It looks to me that if I understood it's use I could quickly answer many more of my own questions instead of running internet searches and recording macros and stabbing at code.

I notice that in a fiar number of times when I type code the autocomplete or whatever it is properly called does not offer the drop-down list of possible values, and even when it does I suspect the Object Browser offers a more extensive reference, but how do I use it?

For example, today I wanted ran into a problem developing a chart that let's the user click on buttons to add and remove data series for a set of people. One (of a few) problem is that when I remove a person's dataseries, the item in the legend remains and I also run into some weird behaviors there. So I want to learn how to write code on how to remove a specific legend entry; things such as identifying each and deleting specific items, perhaps even formatting or identifying the color used so I can use the same color as a key identifier for that series elsewhere. I opened up the Object Browser and started looking through the list of items. A bit overwhelming. So I typed "Legend" into the search bar and came up with a number of possibilities. How they relate to each other is rather confusing, and how to efficiently drill through to the available properties and methods of whatever syntax I need in order to address the actual legend and perform work on it or get information about it entirely escaped me.

Is there a "Object Browser for Dummies" of form out there???