Hey everyone,

I am using Excel 2010, and am trying to see if I can do this.

I have two worksheets on a Book. One with a yearly calendar in this format:

And another with daily actions:
Daily Actions.PNG

I'm trying to change the colour of days of the yearly calendar, according to the daily action performed on that day (if anything has been done).

I have created a list of actions and gave each one a number (call list - 1; event - 2; email - 3; meeting - 4; and so on), and tried to conditionally format the cells with the following formula:
Column 10 is where I have the number corresponding to each action.
This formula returns 1 if on that day the daily action corresponds to a call list. The formula works when it is applied on a cell, however nothing happens when I use it on conditional formating. What am I doing wrong?

Also, just to clarify, C14 is the first cell I want to look up but this will need to fill down - can I have the cell reference change so I can use the function throughout the worksheet?

Thank you for your help.