G'Day to the List

Have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet with 902 email addresses in one column, and 927 email addresses in other column, sorted in alphabetical order.

Overview: Organization database has 902 Members (some have 2 email addresses subscribed to listserv) and Organizational Listserv which has all 927 (Difference is numbers are some members have 2 email addresses subscribed) BUT 902 of emails should be the same

Objective to compare Listserv Members 927 with Database Members 902. I am trying to isolate the email addresses which do NOT exist in Listserv Column, or who do not exist in Database Column for Audit purposes. All Members from the Database column should be subscribed or entered into the Listserv column.

If it's a perfect world the 902 email addresses will all be exactly the same as 902 out of the 927 Listserv email addresses.
Trying to highlight or sort and put identical email addresses on same line or using Conditionally formatting? Highlight Cell Rules/Duplicate cell rules Even when same email addresses are on the same row conditional formatting does not recognize them.
Thanks in advance. I can provide sample if necessary.
Thanks in advance