Objective; I want to create a scatter plot with percentages on the x axis and values on the y axis. Also want to label each point with the x axis(percentage) and the name that corresponds to that data point. i.e. If you look at my example sheet I want to make a scatter plot of values in column G as the x axis, values in column H as the y axis value, and the name in column D that corresponds with those numbers as part of the data label. I can get one point no problem i.e. Garratt, 1.19% and it plotted properly, but the problem I want to add all at once instead of each data point individually. When I highlight column D,G, and H, I get the correct plot, but it only creates one title or Series name, and it ends up being all the names added together. My goal is to somehow create numerous series with the values in G and H as the data points, and the names in column D as the label. If someone can figure out how to do this all at once, please let me know. I have attached the excel file, if you have any questions I will reply quickly.


Jake Prosperi Mk Share-example.xlsx