Dear all,

I receive via e-mail Starting dates and End dates in all kind of forms:

- Friday, 12 September 2014
- Friday, September 12 2014

f.e. Friday, 12 September 2014 until Friday, 19 September 2014.

I copy these dates to excel, where I have a simple formula to calculate the number of days between the end date and the starting date.

I have 2 problems here:
- first: my excel only calculates the days between if I would enter a short date first: f.e. 12/09/2014. Fact is that I have only long dates as input.
- second: due to the different forms of the long date I would have to change my regional settings every time.

Does anyone see a possibility here in working with the long dates that are provided in different formats?

Thanks in advance!