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Excell 2007, Title/Label question.

  1. #1
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    Excell 2007, Title/Label question.


    I am not sure if this is the right category to post, but I did search first before i posted.

    I have not touch my Microsoft Excel 2007 in 4-5 years of so and I am stumped.
    I also tried watching tons of youtube help videos and tutorials but still cant seem to find an answer I am looking for.

    I entered names into row 2 and columns a-g that i want as title for each column but I cant seem to make it work.
    What i mean by that is I have the words there and then I enter data in each row below each column from rows 4-30 and columns a-g.
    I want to be able to sort my entered row data without sorting the names in row 2 but I don't remember how to accomplish that.
    I am making a book list so i will always be adding new rows that I will want to sort to put in alphabetical order but the row 2 names I made keep being sorted.

    Now here is the question(s):

    How do I set the row 2 names so they are not sorted as I want row 2 as a title/header (terms may be wrong)? I tried define name and that did not work and i simply cant remember how to accomplish this.

    Next question is where do I find a decent video tutorial for re-learning Excel 2007? I find youtube some help but want a more course type help videos.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: Excell 2007, Title/Label question.

    If I'm understanding your question, simply highlight the rows beginning at 3 (or 4) and down and across to cover the columns and rows you want sorted, then on the home tab go to the editing section and click on sort and filter then custom sort and select the columns you want sorted, you might also have to click on my data has headers or unclick that box. then sort by column or add level and sort by columns.
    that should do it.
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    Sam Capricci

  3. #3
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    Re: Excell 2007, Title/Label question.


    First thanks for the quick reply i appreciate it.

    Your post helped a bit but is not the answer I was looking for.
    I will try to explain differently in a shorter manner.

    If you run excel 2007 and open template "Sales Report" you will see names on row one "Product, Customer, QTR1, ect..." and below other row have customer info.
    Now If i enter all kind of names out of order in that sheet and the simply choose "Sort Filter, a-z" is then sorts all the names correctly and alphabetically without sorting the top row 1 where the columns are named.

    I want to make my own book sheet and some others and I want to have it just like the "Sales Report" template but with many more columns and rows.
    So I just need to know how do make it so row one never sorts just link in the template.

    I hope this makes more sense now.
    So if you happen to know how to do it I would be very happy if you could let me know.

    Edit: I want a main title on line 1 and on line 3 I want the column names, then the rest of the rows I want to sort like the template.
    Edit 2: Well I am really dumb with excel 2007 now, I will use the method you gave me as it seems the best way. I tried the other way but with main title in merged cells it wont sort unless I do it your way.
    I am going to find a good Excel 2007 course and take it as I have forgotten way to much.
    Thanks for the sort answer, I will just look for a course and do my project when I am comfortable with Excel again, heck I might buy the new 2010 version since newer wont run on vista.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Grenpara; 09-30-2014 at 05:20 PM. Reason: Update question

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