Hello Excel-sperts,

I am responsible for summarizing a daily excel report every morning by sending the info out in the body of an Outlook email.

1. Is that possible to do by, say, importing the number in one cell. For example, cell A1=12. Could I somehow link an outlook template to that worksheet so that:
"Good morning all, today we had [A1] new donors to our charity."

2. In my report, there is one column that may have any word in it. I would like to identify all WORDS that occur in 15 or more cells in that column. So in my email, if the words 'apple', banana' and 'orange' occur 15, 17 and 12 times respectively, I would like to be able to export that to the body of my email in this manner (no need for oranges as it occurs less than 15):

"[15 Apples] donated to the charity
"[17 Bananas] donated to the charity"

3. Finally, how would I count the number of times a specific word occurs in a column as opposed to the above where I don't know what words I'm necessarily looking for? So for example: 'Yesses' and 'No's"
"[# of Yes] said they would attend the benefit dinner"
"[# of No] said they would NOT attend the benefit dinner."

Thank you so much for your help in advance. I hope this is clear and concise.